August 2024 Monthly Astrology Video with Michele

August 2019 was an excellent month for you. You are in the midst of a well-deserved break after a lot of hard work. Your...

Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of May 30, 2024 ⋆ the fox and...

My name is The Fox and I am back for another set of predictions for the week of May 30, 2024. Yes, it is...

Revelation Edition – Cover Design Art (Updates, Notes, Downloads)

The cover art concept for Revelation has been developing for the last year and a half, and it’s finally time to reveal it to...

October 5th Weekly Astrology Forecast for All Signs 2024

Hey there, welcome to the October 5th, 2024 Weekly Astrology Forecast for All Signs. I’m here to tell you about what’s coming up, based...